Controlling forest fires through preventive and active measures

Fire management and forest fire prevention throughout Germany

Holistic approach

The application of integrated fire management based on international standards means a holistic view of the forest fire problem and site-adapted planning. Fire management is an interdisciplinary science based on adequate implementation, good coordination and the development of concepts and strategies. Measures for wildfire prevention, a level of preparedness that is adapted to fire risk and a post-fire care, taking into account fire-ecological relationships, should be implemented in an appropriate proportion. Responsibility towards fire and awareness of the existing risk should be created in our society.



I advise individuals, organizations, municipalities or authorities from a fire perspective and offer professional support in forest fire management.


A practice-oriented, site-adapted application of existing knowledge from fire management is the key to an efficient protection against fire and an adequate handling with fire.


Fire burns all over the world according to the same law of nature and only under certain conditions. Therefore we can learn from existing knowledge from experienced wild fire countries.

About Brandherde

Juliane Baumann is an expert in the fields of fire management, forest fire prevention, civil protection and Wildland-Urban Interface. Since she started working for the Catalan fire department (Spain), she has been dealing with the topic of wild fires. For several years, she was actively involved there in fighting wildfires in the summer and implementing prevention measures in the winter time.

Wood pasture and targeted grazing

Through the targeted use of livestock, ground vegetation can be kept short and the spread of fires can be prevented. Grazing can be used to create buffer zones around villages or strategic fuel breaks that offer safety fort residents from the threat of forest fires. At the same time, forest grazing creates environmentally friendly, species-rich transition zones between different types of landscape that promote biodiversity.

Clients and partners

Together, we take a holistic view of fire management and forest fire prevention

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